Sunday, July 08, 2007

party's over!

it's amazing how much stuff we can jam into the small bit of weekend that i get!

friday night we ended up having various neighbours over for cocktails, and chatted into the later hours of the evening.

saturday, i worked, then headed off to pick up the boys and my grandma to go babysit my sister's twins for a few hours. so the boys and i got the little ones down to the park for a bit, came home, ate dinner, gave the twins a tub, put them to bed, and jonah and i headed out for a quick hunt for golf clubs which turned into a 3 store trip and 2 hours. back to my sister's, she arrived very shortly after, and i packed grandma and the boys back to my mom's. i headed home from there and was finally home about 11pm.

this morning (even though i had the chance to sleep in!) i was up before the alarm at 7am. coffee? check. email? check. then off to the shower and out the door for a round of golf with dh and a friend. from there we came home to let the dogs out for a quick piddle, then out the door again to another friend's for a visit and dinner.



another whirlwind weekend is over!

good news is i'm working tomorrow, "the" interview at 6pm, then should have tuesday and wednesday off. wednesday is a ladies lunch with my boss, her admin assistant, and one other gal that is on our team. so in some ways, not a day off, but not a work day either.

its all good.

but the party's over! LOL

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